Legend Of Zelda: The Last Oracle - A fan made tribute game in progress

Somehow, almost all of the Zelda games passed me by. I never paid them much credence, possibly as I never owned a Nintendo console before the Wii (well I had a cube, but never got much into it beyond mario kart). However my wife got me playing twilight princess and now I'm hooked on the whole series! So just recently I'm making amends and going through some of the back catalogue via my phone and some great emulators (article to come ;) ). Thus this Legend of Zelda WIP demo has caught my interest...

As you can see from the screenshots and gameplay videos, the main action bits are a sidescroller with a lot of graphical influence from the 2D Zelda games (and some of the 3D ones as well). Of course if you were like me and assumed that all the Zelda games either followed the top down perspective 2D format, or the fully 3D third person format from Ocarina of time onwards, then you are also like me and unaware of the not often talked about red-head-stepchild Zelda II - Adventure of Link released on NES. And so it seems is the inspiration for this fan love letter to the format. I personally can't see where all the derision for the old game comes from as it looks to me like a great game to play. It's just not the same as other examples in the Zelda franchise.

The Last Oracle certainly looks the part, and sounds it too, with the pickup sounds being very familiar to anyone who's played more than a little of any of the series, especially the 16-bit and later ones. My only criticism at this point however is that the music comes across as a little out of place with heavy guitar riffs forming the majority of the examples so far. However that's only a minor point and could just be place holder music at this time.

At any rate, it certainly looks worth keeping an eye on and following its progress.

Follow Legend of Zelda: The Last Oracle progress and download it's current state at:

-Alistair Brugsch

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