Defender of the Crown - One of Cinemawares greatest games is now on GOG!

After our last week announcement by Cinemaware, we are now delighted to further announce that Defender of the Crown is now available to buy on  This is one of many all time classic games that will be on gog from Cinemaware, but it's great to see that the developers have released this incredible Strategy game as the first in the line up of great games. Relive a defining moment in the Amiga's life time, as you play through medieval gameplay of conquering, tournaments, and damsel rescuing that set a high bar in stunning graphical presentation.

Defender of the Crown is available on for only £3.69 and I'd highly recommend buying this just to have it in your gog collection.

According to Cinemaware, the Amiga version is playable through a custom emulator called "Rocklobster" Which was developed by Cinemaware themselves!

"RockLobster is an emulator developed internally, some of our programmers are really experienced Amiga/Motorola 68000 engineers. It was the only way we could find to launch our classic games within a self-contained environment. This emulator keeps getting improved and we will of course release updates to our emulated games being sold as we improve on it!" 


  1. That game and Iron Lord, i love them so much !

  2. Nice video demonstrating the difference between Amiga and PC version.
    Hope GOG can include a superior emulated version with PC version of games from the early transition of system dominance. As the superior audio up to the early 1990's really enhanced games. For example I'd take Eye of the Beholder Amiga version for audio and animated ending over PC version with 256 colour.


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