Smurf Rescue - A new platformer for the Amiga!

Mikael Persson (know as Hipoonios) who created the recent Super Ted Amiga game, has just announced via EAB "Smurf Rescue"; An Amiga platformer in which you play as Smurfette (The female Smurf) and your mission is to save all the Smurfs from the evil wizard Gargamel. Available in both ADF and HD installable form, Smurf Rescue uses graphics from Lollypop with most of the sprites from The Smurf on the Sega Mega Drive & Game Gear and voices from Katy Perry.

Do note though that according to the developer even though the game was made with Backbone, the game is incredibly slow even on fast Amigas. But it's very playable with WinUAE if  you use the provided settings on his website.

In my personal opinion I think the game looks great and much better than his previous effort of Super Ted, also to be fair it is only his second game and I hope he makes far more!


1 comment:

  1. philipp rödig24 January 2015 at 18:16

    Ok...if studio peyo sues the developer of this game. Why don't they release this game themthelves for amiga as a kind of shareware for a few euros...and i mean for amiga....nothing else nor fucking microsoft shit devices neither apple or playstation shit. We the the amiga community will sue you mr. Studio peyo whoether you are....and force you to support amiga classic or ng releasing it again NOW....ok...thats all...


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