FullBlast - Recommended old school shooter for iOS

Now this makes a nice change. Fullblast by UFO Crash Games isn't a game that rips you off or costs you a fortune to play. Yep back to the way mobile games should be! Download a free demo and if you like the game, £1.49 and you have the whole game with no hidden extras, no buying lives. About blooming time. :-)

So what do you get for £1.49? Well, you get a nice bit of retro action, a vertical scrolling shooter which reminds me a little of TAITO's Rayforce which is great as I have had many hours of fun with that game. Although the game is a vertical shooter, the graphics have all been rendered in 3D with some nice animations especially when flying over the city where cars are driving around below you (amusingly without any care in the world that there are alien invaders having a shoot out in the sky's above)

Controls have been thought through well and you are offered a choice (nicely, no assuming going on here) Relative control, Inertia, Touch Control (My Favourite)  and iCade. In Settings, you can set the quality of your graphics depending on the power of your IOS device and (now, I like this a lot.....) you can even set the difficulty (Easy for me). Sound wise, there is a pumping rock track to keep you in the mood. So how does it play? Very nicely........

The gameplay is very smooth, controls are very responsive and the graphics all work well. I particularly like the "BOOM" graphic when a ship blows up. :-) . Difficulty curve seams about right and you can collect upgrades for your ship along the way. My only gripe is that if you quit the game and choose the next level for you to play later, you lose all your power-ups. It would have been nice if you could keep your upgrades. The same is true if you lose a life in the game. From a casual gamer's point of view, we need all the help we can get. Also, more varied scenery would be nice.

All in all, I would recommend this game if you like old school shooters even if it only to support developers who keep to the old values and don't try to rip the player off every other level.

Good going guys and bring on the next game. :-)

by Hexfreq

1 comment:

  1. Nice review :) I just want to let you know that we are working on an update to add 2 new bosses, small fixes here and there and more action :)
    Btw, there are more levels than just the city, the levels are groupped in packs of 4, each 4 levels you will see new backgrounds, so level 5 will be a new adventure.


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