Bootèe - The Mojon Twins are teasing a new retro platformer [RELEASED]

The last article today and boy is it a good one, as we've just come across an announcement from the Mojon Twins that they are making a new platform game called 'Bootèe', which from the look of it could be released at some point this year ( Or very soon if we are lucky ). When we asked for more info regarding this game, The Mojon Twins told us it will be a simple platformer and the first one who sends them a screenshot of the ending will win a special compilation cassette for Spectrum and CPC!

Currently there isn't a lot to go on about the game in terms of the amount of levels and the story, but from what we can tell from their twitter page is there may be a bigger announcement tomorrow 15th May! Certainly a game worth keeping an eye on, and more so tomorrow when we find out more.

UPDATE : We've just been told it will be released TODAY 15th May, so there you have it, good news all round then :)

Links :1) Twitter 2) Twitter 2 3) Released!

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