Heartlight - A charming puzzle game previewed on the Atari XL/XE -VXBE

Fabulous news if  you have an Atari XL/XE with a VXBE graphics card, as moments ago Saberman contacted us to let you guys know that Sebastian „Candle” Bartkowicz, has released an updated preview to the Arcade Puzzle game ' Heartlight '. Yes indeed a game that originally appeared in the first issue of the Atari Tajemnice magazine (in 1991) and then an extensive Amiga and PC edition with over 70 levels. Is currently being developed for the Atari VXBE by Candle and aims to be as good as the Amiga/PC version released all those years ago with many of the features intact.

As noted by atarionline... Currently, there are still some elements to improve (makeshift top panel and title page, there is no variety of music), but the gameplay is already fully implemented and the game can be completed. For those of  you who want to give the game a go and don't have any original hardware, can use the Altirra emulator with enabled VBXE card support.

PS1. Users of the Altirra emulator can enable VBXE card support in this way: System → Devices → Add button → card indication and clicking OK . 

Game creators: 
• original for PC (1994): Janusz Pelc , 
• conversion to Atari: Sebastian "Candle" Bartkowicz , 
• music: Bartłomiej "Wieczorkowski Wieczorkowski" . 

Links :1) Source 2) Forum  3) Download Preview

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