Wonder Girl in Monster Place - An updated Amiga game tease by Moya

Once again another Amiga game has been mentioned, as we've just come across a post on our Commodore Amiga Facebook group, of an updated game tease by Moya called Wonder Girl in Monster Place(WIP title). This game which had an early tease some time back, is an action platformer developed using Backbone, and stars a character resembling Jill of the Jungle which pits you against multiple enemies including sword welding Skeleton foes.

According to Moya, she wanted a character to be someone who she could cosplay to help promote the game hence being blond and green and the resemblance above. When it comes to the actual game however, although it was developed using Backbone which suffers really badly in performance, and currently there's a lack of music and sound. We can tell Moya and friend have put a lot of effort into this early tease. As not only is it one of the nicest looking Backbone games we've seen, but there is also a variety of enemies and charming graphical detail...

Sadly that's all we know so far, but the developer has released a project demo, and has noted that she MAY convert the game over to the Scorpion Engine will really make this a much smoother experience!
Links :1) Download

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