Fire - Another Game & Watch appears on the C64 by Arla Games

98% of the time we are first for news, fresh for the Amiga, Amstrad, C64, and yes even the ZX Spectrum. Well being that it was released over the weekend we missed out on this awesome update, as we were told that the same developer behind the great game and watch port such as Donkey Kong Jr, has released the Game & Watch game of 'Fire'! A game found in the Silver and Wide Screen series, released on July 31, 1980, and December 4, 1981 now ported over to the C64.

As noted by the website "The building is on fire and people are jumping off the balconies! Move the firemen and their trampoline under the falling people and bounce them into the ambulance. The speed and number of jumpers at any one time increases as the game progresses. The game was written in 6502 assembly, which the developer learnt recently thanks to Shallan's superb Twitch and Youtube series, 'Let's make a C64 game'".

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