Monstro Giganto - A glorious PETSCII C64 brawler via RGCD is now available

If you've been following Indie Retro News and the latest C64 updates, you would've known that Antonio Savona, Lobo and Aldo Chiummo of the Pirates of Zanzibar, were working on a brand new PETSCII C64 game called Monstro Giganto; a homebrew that's very similar in artistic design to another game we have featured called Digiloi. Well do we have some awesome news for you if you've been eagerly awaiting this game, as Antonio Savona has announced Monstro Giganto is now available for your Commodore 64.

Monstro Giganto is a seriously awesome looking game for your C64, as it features not just 5 monsters to choose from, each with their own skills and punching moves, but the game also features relentless arcade style gameplay, great 101% PETSCII graphics, huge and highly animated characters, over 200 words of digitized speech, a killer sound track, on-cartridge high score saving, unlockables and finally full PAL/NTSC compatibility... As the the team behind the game has said "Monstro Giganto is a game worth fighting over!"

Monstro Giganto was programmed to run exclusively from cartridge, as it continuously streams data from the ROM during play. For this reason, a D64/Disk version is not available. Instead, a downloadable .CRT is available in both GMOD2 and EasyFlash format with every purchase to use via emulation or on real hardware devices such as the Ultimate 1541-II. Please check that your hardware is compatible with these formats! (Note that a stand-alone digital download of the game will be available to buy soon).

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