If you're looking for more gaming news on this upcoming first person shooter of 'Grind' for the Commodore Amiga 500 and above. Then we have just been informed by Saberman, that not only does this work in progress game have a brand new DevArena map for you to try (Patreon Paywall), but this new update showcases all the latest fixes and features added to the game since then. To coincide with this news, we've got some new footage of the game and further details below.
Bomb Jack Extra Sugar - This Arcade classic as an Amstrad CPC remake via Anthony Flack looks super impressive!
I can still remember in the late 80's on my Amstrad CPC 464 playing the brilliant Arcade port ' Bomb Jack '. It is a game that required you the player to high jump and float about getting rid of all the bombs on the screen before they are used to blow up historic places of interest, which is made more difficult by the enemies on screen. So why is this game getting another mention? Well we've just been contacted by Xyphoe via Twitter, that this great game from back in the day, is now available as a fully fledged Arcade to Amstrad CPC remake by Anthony Flack.
Trapped in the Tomb - Remember Fred or Roland on the Ropes? Then check out this new Amiga game by Marggines!
If you remember playing either the C64/ZX Spectrum version of FRED, or the Amstrad CPC version of Roland on the Ropes, then come and check out this new game that's been mentioned to us by Saberman, it's 'Trapped in the Tomb' for the Commodore Amiga by Marggines. A game that not only comes in a lovely boxed edition with goodies, but the team behind the game has also made the digital download completely free. To coincide with this news, we've got some footage of the game below.
FASTER - A super-fast and silky-smooth racing game for the Atari STE by Jonathan Thomas is coming to the Amiga!
Glorious news Amiga owners, as we've just found out through Twitter, that Jonathan Thomas will be bringing the super fast and silky smooth facing game of 'FASTER' from the Atari STE over to the Commodore Amiga at some point in the near future. As in the words of the creator about the STE version "Don't expect endless game modes, achievements, tutorials or cutscenes - this is pure, unfettered and uncomplicated 1980's-style arcade action". To coincide with this news, we've got some footage from the very first announcement direct from the twitter post.
Street Fighter II 128K - The REAL CPC Edition shown off in this gameplay footage [2021 UPDATE]
This year has just been fantastic for the Amstrad CPC with a ton of Amstrad homebrew games to spoil us, but even though we had the incredible Amiga to Amstrad port of Pinball Dreams, we haven't finished with the Amstrad yet. Now you may remember our big article on the very impressive looking homebrew remake of Street Fighter II titled 'Street Fighter II - CPC Edition' which is being developed by DaDMaN, and AugustoRuiz for the Amstrad CPC 6128 (128Kb RAM). Well at the end of last month a new video tease was released, showing us just how far the game has progressed and what it's like to actually play.
Master Piece - A Chess like game for the Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum by Tartessos Games
When I was a young lad my step dad used to always go on about Chess. He'd sit there for hours on end moving around pieces as if the end result would be some grand prize. It certainly wasn't my idea of fun as I was a video gamer anyway! Still if you like Chess but feel like the gameplay could be changed in some way, then you may be interested in checking out 'Master Piece'; a new game by Tartessos Games for the Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.
The Cthulhu Project - An upcoming Dungeon Crawler for the Amiga by Captain DarkN3m0 gets new footage [UPDATE]
Something slightly different for todays retro heads up, as if you are a huge fan of Dungeon Crawlers, especially games such as Eye of the Beholder or Lands of Lore. Then you may be interested to know that Captain DarkN3m0 is still working on a new Dungeon Crawler for the Amiga called 'The Cthulhu Project'; A horror like RPG which the creator says "is being developed using AMOS PRO as a 3D old school Dungeon Master like game". To coincide with this news, a new video has been posted which demonstrates the updated dialog system.
QUOD INIT EXIT IIo - The sequel to a colourful C64 game by Retream gets a new preview tease and it looks lovely [UPDATE]
In 2015 we gave a special mention to Retream's Arcade platformer of ' QUOD INIT EXIT ', a C64 game that had a cute little pig, lots of fast moving fruit and was so colourful you would've been silly not to load it up on a C64. Thankfully it looks as if the team want to continue the piggy greatness, as we have once again been informed through twitter, that they have shown another preview tease of QUOD INIT EXIT IIo; A fabulous sequel of which are are really looking forward to playing when it's finished.
Defender - This upcoming Arcade like version of a classic looks super slick on the Atari ST
What a month this has been for glorious news! With games that have been the talk of the community, such as Ghosts'n'Goblins AGA, Frogger RX, OutRun Arcade , RallyXSE and Donkey Kong Arcade. Well here's another game that is sure to excite, is the upcoming Arcade like version of 'Defender' For the Atari ST by Sark02. A work-in-progress port of the 6809E Williams Defender sources running at a super slick 50hz. To coincide with this news, if you love Defender back in the day, then make sure to check it out below with corresponding footage!
Ghosts'n'Goblins - Check out this AGA tease for the Amiga, it looks pretty decent!
In 1985 Capcom released one of the greatest side scrolling platform game series we have ever known. It featured a knight, creepy enemies and was rather difficult to the point of frustration. The game I am talking about is none other than ' Ghosts 'N Goblins ', the first game in the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise. A game which appeared on systems such as the Amstrad, C64 and ZX Spectrum. Well if you played this game, you'll be interested to know that as of today, Skyzoo73 has made available the first demo of an AGA edition for the Amiga. As in his words "I created this to see how GnG could be on the Amiga by breaking free from the limitations of the Amiga 500 classic"
Sky Shapers (Amiga) - A vertical scrolling SHMUP from new Norwegian developers Digilicious Nibbles! [Update]
Love collecting big box Amiga games and more so brand new ones from homebrew developers, then come and check out Digilicious Nibbles latest Arcade Shoot 'em up of 'Sky Shapers': A game in which the Norwegian developers have said is "an engaging and challenging 50 FPS vertical scrolling SHMUP". While I'm unsure when a digital download only version will be available, you can at least buy the boxed edition which is available to buy through the Amiga Shop linked below right now.
Frogger RX - This Arcade-like version of Frogger for the ZX Spectrum is looking good! (+Demo)
When I was growing up I really loved playing the 1981 Arcade game of Frogger by Konami. It had loads of charm, great gameplay for kids and it really made you feel for the safety of those little green frogs as they hopped their way across a busy road, then across a river of logs and Crocodiles to get to the other side. So when happycodingzx announced via itch io about 'Frogger RX', which is basically an Arcade-like version of Frogger for the ZX Spectrum, I just had to mention it here on IRN.
OutRun Arcade - A vastly superior version of a classic racer is coming to an Amiga near you via Reassembler
In 1986 Sega released one of the greatest racers of our time, it just had to be Out Run. An Arcade racer designed by Yu Suzuki, that was not only a commercial success, but became one of the best selling games of its time. A game that featured incredible graphics, fantastic music and fast paced track racing. Thankfully other people remember this Arcade classic, as we've recently found out, that reassembler is soon to finish his vastly superior version of Outrun for the Commodore Amiga. A version of the game which he hopes to put right "one of the nastiest Amiga arcade ports".
Mimo's Quest - A WIP adventure game for the Amstrad by CP Soft!
Transylvania Castle wasn't the only game to see a release this week for the Amstrad CPC, as we've also been informed through Facebook, that CP Soft has made available a work in progress version of Mimo's Quest. A top down adventure game set in a pseudorandomly generated world. In light of this news, we've got a brief description of the game as well as a gameplay video.
EVIL DUNGEON III - The sequel to a great RPG-based Fantasy Adventure for the C64 by RetroArts
If you're looking to play a new RPG that's not only atmospheric, but is full of monsters, dark dungeons and loot on your Commodore 64, then make sure to check out the latest release of EVIL DUNGEON III by RetroArts. The sequel to a great RPG-based Fantasy Adventure for the C64, that is sure to have you hooked throughout the weekend. To coincide with this news, Saberman has provided a video of the game as he battles Giant Bats, Mummies, Skeletons and other nasties throughout the dungeon of evil.