Grimoire - A very retro looking Dungeon Crawler that needs your support

The Ultimate Retro Old School Computer Fantasy Roleplaying Game in Development For More Than 17 Years Is Now Approaching Completion!!!.For what it's worth, $25 is supposed to get you a digital copy of the game, and the promised release date is May 2013.

  • 600 hours of play possible in a single game
  • 244+ Maps in the game to explore!
  • Turn-Based strategic combat
  • 144 context sensitive magic spells
  • 14 races, 15 professions, 50 skills
  • 64 intelligent NPCs with 8000+ Words in Vocabulary
  • Full Sentence Communication with NPCs
  • 240+ monsters each with special powers and defenses
  • 1000+ items, Carry Containers, Global Party Inventory
  • 30 conditions, from Confusion to Disease & Lycanthropy
  • Automapping, Autowalking, Autohealing
  • Global Map Atlas With Position Marker
  • Quest Journal, Hint Prompting, Help Facility, Mini-Quests
  • Complex LockPicking Interfaces for Doors & Chests
  • Challenging Puzzles and Rich Interactive Dungeons
  • Browsable Character Library for up to 100 characters
  • Up to 12 Commented Postage Stamped Savegames
  • Multi-themed GUI and customizable screen layouts

Enhancements Planned During Next Six Months :

  1. Increase screen resolution to 1024x768 and viewport size to 720x600
  2. All new title screen with animated logo
  3. New animated intro, cutscenes and in-game animation sequences
  4. Integration of additional monster and magic spell animations
  5. Improvements to animation engine and transitions
  6. Detailed improvements to user interface and icon presentation
Achievement of Funding Goals :

  1. New music score & sound effects
  2. Additional animation sequences to enhance all aspects of gameplay
  3. Possible ports to IOS, Linux, IPad and Android platforms
  4. Work begins immediately on sequel after release

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