Predestination - 4X Space Strategy ( Kickstarter Update )

A short news article but one of interest, especially for us 4X Space Strategy fans!. Yes you, the one holding that Master of Orion game, it's once again the space 4x space strategy game called Predestination. We have done an article on this nice looking space game before but we've got a huge update via the kickstarter that's still on going!.

With over 30% of the pledge success rate in just 72hrs it's really looking as if this kickstarter is going to be a huge success, however it still comes down to you, to not only support them but get this game finished and in our hands!. There's not often a time from me in which I'll keep going on about a game, but I'm a huge 4x space strategy fan and countless times in the past I/we've been let down again and again by so called space games claiming they could be as good as master of orion 2. However from what I've seen of this game with not just the trailer but the screenshots, this could well be one of those games. 

So enough of my rattling head over to the latest update on their kickstarter page and read up on the Q & A's between the pledgers and the developer. Don't forget to check out the first two updates for answers to previous questions and information on the colonisation system!

This is one to look out for, so PLEDGE NOW GAMERS and hit that $25,000 goal :)

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