Starbound - The floran race (update)

For those that have read the starbound-action-adventure-rpg news post, there has been an update today and it's all about the floran race

Here is a quote about the race from the developer

One would expect a race of sentient humanoid plants to be peaceful, nature-loving environmentalists – that presumption is what allows this hyper-aggressive tribal civilisation to thrive. Unwitting explorers are prey of choice to the carnivorous Florans, who frequently salvage or reverse engineer the technology they bring to enable their colonisation of the stars.

The undesirable effect of introducing space travel to a primitive species results in the strange phenomena of primitive Floran colonies spanning across star systems, each with their own customs and levels of aggression. Despite this, individual Florans have been known to split apart from their society to lead their own lives in isolation or in the solace of other races, at the cost of being cut off from the collective and considered enemies of all flora for good.Though a unisex race, Floran culture values survival through reproduction and expansion over environmentalism or any percieved bond to Mother Nature. Cannibalism during funeral rituals and wars with rival factions are commonplace, though it remains unclear whether it’s out of conservation or simple tradition.
 Their aggressive nature appears to be borne of a lack of concept for non-plant life as opposed to outright contempt. Owing to their relatively young age as a species, this tenet dominates their culture and justifies their treatment of visiting races, though there are signs of some beginning to question this, implying that Floran individuals might not be inherently “evil” as previously thought.

 Looking good, one for sure I'll be keeping an eye on !

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