The story takes place in the world of Hamnasya which is a dark fantasy world, sprawling with a living and breathing characters of strangeness. Including fantastical monsters, terrifying encounters and all manner of might and magic.
Askaryl’s grimoire is the first part of the epic saga taking place in Hamnasya. The story goes that the grimoire or book of magic with immense magical powers has been stolen from its guardians, the Council of Great Wise Men. You will play as Edhan, tasked with the perilous mission to retrieve the stolen book, while avenging the death of Alikia, his adoptive mother.
The Gamebook features an RPG system whereby you create your character at the start of the game and select some abilities and special powers. You have to manage weapons, potions and magical objects that will help you in continuing the story.
You will also have a Level Up system by gaining experience points by defeating your opponents or by completing some tasks. However you will have decide on the best way to defeat an opponent using either your weapons, magic spells or special powers.
So that's basically what the game contains, if you wish to know more check out the website or buy it at the App Store for $4.99. Before you do that though watch this amazing trailer below of the game.
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