Hello and good evening Gamers, it's Christmas Eve tomorrow woohoo! But before that, it's time for a new game that needs your support, it's a JRPG called Crystal Kingdom.

According to the developers, Crystal Kingdom is the successor of the fan game SEYKEN, which was the first JRPG that tried to truly emulate the graphical style of the 16-bit console classics. The game also had an incorporated co-op, through online capability. 


Looking through the video's and the screenshots, this is looking like we could be onto a Winner here and as most of our kickstarter/IndieGogo articles have gone on to be a success, I really hope this does as well. For all the fans of the JRPG such as Chrono Quest or even Final Fantasy, Crystal Kingdom will take us back to those days, but with a far more modern work over, yet keeping the 16bit style.

Once again, as from the previous version, Crystal Kingdom will have a co-op mode as the developers want us to work together, to feel the world we play in. To meet new characters and to fight well drawn characters. If that doesn't go well with your play style, the game will also be Singleplayer with a main story line and side quests, so don't panic.

However just take a look at all the up coming features this game will contain

  • Honour & Reputation System 
  • Companions
  • Event Notification system
  • Account wide stashing
  • Real-time Player Ranking
  • IOS/Android & Ouya port (Link:Ouya)  
  • 16-bit chip sound & music
  • Singleplayer or Co-op Campaign driven story  
  • Cutscenes  
  • Gamepad support  
  • Additional skins  
  • Runes system  
  • Instance based Player Housing  
  • Guild wide stashing  
  • Emotes  
  • Mounts  
  • Ships (Air & Sea)  
  • Mini-games  
  • Monster Book/Bestiary  
  • Free Resolution support  
  • PvP  

What about the pledge goal? Well good news, it's only $55,000 and with 29 days left I'm sure everyone on Indie Retro News can help them out. Besides, what's a gaming world without JRPG's.


If you want more to drool over, check out these awesome screenshots and re-live those nostalgic 16bit days, with plenty more screenshots on the website above! Furthermore, as soon as we get more information on this nice looking title, Indie Retro News will update YOU the reader, on all the current updates.

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