Earth’s Special Forces - Dragonball Z fans, time to go crazy!

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, for all the fans of Dragonball Z, we have a really cool looking mod to show you for Half-Life. The mod I'm about to show you is called Special Forces and it's an online Beat em up/Fighter game.

Earth’s Special Forces, (ESF) for short, is a Half-life modification inspired by Dragonball Z. The project has been in development for almost awhile now and features a very fast, unique style of gameplay. Myself I'm a huge Dragonball Z fan, I've got all the movies and the episodes and yet I'm 33, mad isn't it? Well this finally gives us the chance to battle it out online against other players straight from the Anime itself.

You play in a 3rd person perspective and Players will be able to select their favorite character from the Anime. You can fly, power up, transform, melee, and KAMEHAMEHA your enemies into oblivion. Each character is given signature moves and abilities to compliment different style of play. Some are stronger in hand to hand combat, others are better with energy attacks.

The mod will support three game modes: deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the dragonballs. So keep an eye out, because this could be the Dragonball Z game we've all been waiting for ( well PC gamers anyway ).



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