WarZ - 100 Player Servers with a Mini Patch

Rather than fix the 4hr revive disaster that's annoying a vast majority of players and then being told if you want an early revive you got to fork over 50C, the developers are now adding 100 player servers on maps that really can't take that many.

So be prepared to deal with a lack of loot as a new spawn with all those players about, on a rather poorly designed map for 70+. You can also delve into the world of the hacker as you die over and over again, then having to wait 4hrs to revive.

Good fellow asked us "Where're 100 players servers ?". We thought - yeah - why not to let public to have some carnage fun. So we've added some 100 players servers in a mix. Have fun guys - but we must warn you - it'll be blood fest on those servers.

Updated mini patch

Players have been very vocal about having 100 player servers so we added a 100 player server and will be increasing the amount of servers up to 100 over time
Lowered damage from falling
The correct amount of GC displays after reviving now
Properly showing an error message when you do not have enough GC to revive
Fixed a bug that deducted GC for revive but did not revive. We also refunded back all of the missing GC for this bug.


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