Not one but THREE big bundles! - Indie Gala Magika, The Snow Storm Bundle & The Indie Face Kick Bundle

We have three new Indie Bundles to show you and the first one above is called, The Indie Bundle Magika. Which as always, contains some fantastic Indie games such as : You are Empty, Trine, Cities in Motion, Deponia, Magika and Painkiller. What's more if you spend more than the recommend price, three unlocks will come your way and one of those is Home, which is a rather scary horror title. IndieGala lets customers set their own price for high-quality indie games and music, then donate some or all of the proceeds to Able Gamers charity and Gala Project X, the videogame project backed by Indiegala.


The next Indie Bundle is The Snow Storm Bundle from Indie Royale, which again contains even more fantastic games for a great price, 6 in fact! Although you have to pay more than the current minimum, it's still a pay what you want deal

  1. Resonance for: steam (pc), windows, desura
  2. Hinterland for: steam (pc), windows, desura (+OST!)
  3. RoboBlitz for: steam (pc) (+OST!)
  4. StarDrone for: windows, desura (+OST!)
  5. Project Aftermath for: steam (pc), windows, desura
  6. RobotRiot for: windows, desura (+OST!)
I was going to write about the third bundle titled Indie Face Kick. However while writing this news article, their website decided to suspend my account and completely kick me out from visiting the page. I didn't even have an account in the first place, so most likely they suspend idling isp addresses.

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