An ambitious project by a trio called New Horizon Gaming LLC, consisting of a programmer, pixel artist and a map maker - Empire Eden - has recently begun to request funding via Kickstarter. The ARPG, Run n' gun blend of play and a large amount of naked pixel art are sure to appeal to the masses!
Initial glances at Empire Eden show well animated pixel art and smooth looking mechanics (with a promise of a mechanics demo in the near future). The devs boast that 'this is one of the few games where you actually FEEL like you are the main character...not just controlling him.' Whether that is true remains to be seen, but the game and support artwork looks great at this stage!
Playing as an oppressed tribesman attempting to find the 'Empire' and free fellow tribe members, you choose your own path from the options in game and different endings exist depending on your choices. The story makes use of cinematic cutscenes, apparently using very little text, to play out like an interactive movie with the gameplay sandwiched between. And the gameplay looks very promising! Comparisons can be drawn between the game and such classics as 'Metal Slug, Contra Hard Corps, Metroid and Castlevania', the action giving way to puzzle and RPG elements along the journey. Possibly one of the most interesting features of Empire Eden is the ability to gain spirit abilities and subsequently animal powers! Whilst not a lot is said about this it seems that you get the opportunity to use your animal forms to complete puzzles by transforming into a form that allows you to fly or swim, for example, an exciting prospect in such a fast-paced game.
Overall I think that Empire Eden is very promising, and whilst currently well short of the Kickstarter goal of $19,000 I believe that this is because there are no current fans of the game. So if you like this then promote it elsewhere! This apparent gem of a pixel art game deserves to become a success!
Empire Eden
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