Hasbro sends a C&D letter to the developers of MLP: Fighting Is Magic

Some very bad news this afternoon, the developers behind MLP: Fighting is magic, which is a beat em up game, using the characters of My Little Pony, have received a C&D from Hasbro. Now I'm not a fan of My Little Pony, my Brother is, but I was very much impressed with Mane6's design of this game. I also hate the fact that so many of these top end companies, throw in the lawyers when a project is so far ahead in development! A C&D should've been issued at the start and not as so many do, far in development, either issue it then or not at all.

“We have received a C&D letter from Hasbro’s Legal representatives, asking us to cease game development, remove any materials that might contain My Little Pony characters, names, locations or related elements from the sites we control (Our site, our youtube, our twitch), and “cease any further use of [their] MY LITTLE PONY property”.
Mane6 contacted Hasbro in order to negotiate, however the development team has not received an answer as of yet from Hasbro’s PR and/or Legal departments. Just check out this video of what most people were looking forward to


Come on Hasbro, instead of being bullies why don't you work with this team, give the financial backing it so rightly deserves. I'm not sure how the developers can sort this issue out if Hasbro say no, perhaps by changing the design and calling it My Little Horses?

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