A Vampyre Story: Year One - An Adventure Kickstarter

Most of us love a good Adventure, so what If I said a new Adventure title has just surfaced on kickstarter, and it's being developed by Bill Tiller who worked on some well known classics such as The Dig & The Curse of the Monkey Island. Well here it is, this is A Vampyre Story : Year One, which is an episodic prequel to the Award Winning PC game A Vampyre Story. Surely that's got your attention, well you won't be displeased with this kickstarter. It's full of charm, a great sense of humour, beautiful cartoonish graphics, fun puzzles and the all important brill story. This Kickstarter project by William Tiller has reached $11,783 so far, of a $200,000 goal and it's for the PC with a possibility of a Mac version some time later. Looking good!

The begins when Mona, a captive at Castle Warg for a few months, sees a little bat desperately trying to escape from three nasty looking bat ‘thugs’.  Mona, not being a big fan of bullies nor things ‘nasty looking,’ decides to help the poor fellow out. Froderick, the cute little bat, is trapped, surrounded by the bat thugs. And it is up to Mona and the player controlling her to save him by exploring the castle to find a way to help. While exploring, Mona will meet several denizens of the castle including Arachnea Rose, a rather large and intimidating spider; Poe Possum, a vile and tick-ridden vermin; and the three Belfry Boyz - Slim, Brat, and Rocco, their pugnacious leader.  Inky, the local lake monster, and Shrowdy Von Keifer, Mona’s vampire captor and master, both make an appearance, too. Mona also has to deal with a pair of man eating plants and makes a new female friend …or is she a friend?

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