INSECTION - A new Objective Based 4 Player Co-Op Sci-Fi FPS appears on Kickstarter

Game Type : Objective Based 4 Player Co-Op
Developer/Project By : Glasswing Studio Ltd.
Kickstarter Goal : £280,000
Developer Quote : Bring to life a Colorful, Objective Based 4 Player Co-Op Sci-Fi FPS, with Unique Gameplay.
Game Info Quote : A Co-Op First Person Shooter that will break the mold, full of fun, energy and variety in gameplay. A FPS that will be different and enjoyable on each play-through. An FPS inspired from the Sci-Fi Shooters and films we all loved. Aliens wrecking havoc on space stations and worlds deserted after massive alien invasions. a game in which mission objectives are meaningful, a game in which tearing through enemies in order to get from A to B isn’t your main and only goal. Killing wave after wave of enemies and reaching the checkpoint might be fun the first few times, but it becomes repetitive after a while. We need to change that. A fun co-op game in which team work counts, since objectives are goal oriented and team based, a game in which players have to work together to get through the level. From protecting convoys full of civilians, to launching satellites and placing beacons, to setting up defences  enabling power grids and eventually taking down the hive your missions have an objective, you aren’t just surviving, you are achieving.
Release : April 2014
Systems : PC, MAC, LINUX

If you wish to know about this awesome looking game and the story, check out the kickstarter link

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