Game Genre : Multiple - Adventure, Platformer, Racer...
Launcher Developer :
Games in List : Bobo, Lost Dutchman Mine, Roadkill, Sierra Soccer, Nitro, Superfrog, sqrx
Further Info : Even though mother nature is currently proving an interest with some pretty intense thunderstorms, there's even more interest to be had with playing some great Amiga classics. The have just released/updated to version 2.6, 7 more amazing Amiga-PC playable titles for your enjoyment. These games are very well known in the Amiga world, especially as one of them is an all time classic, titled Superfrog, with it's quirky humour and fun platforming moments. But what makes these even better is all you have to do is download a single file and run it to play the game. There's no messing about with roms and no fiddling with Emulators as it's all done for you. This is a great list of games with hours worth of retro gaming time.
Release : Available now FREE
Links to Games
- Lost Dutchman Mine
- RoadKill
- Sierra Soccer
- Nitro
- Superfrog
- Sqrx
All of these versions (2.6) contain high quality filters for your PC and all you have to do is download, run the exe and press F12 in game for extra settings. The software is based on the original rom file and remastered through an emulator in a single exe. You may get a Virus Warning through low quality virus checkers, it's a false positive!
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