Cavorite - 3 part Puzzle Platformer for Android (Kickstarter)

Game Type : Puzzle Platformer
Developer/Project By : Cascadia Games LLC
Kickstarter Goal : $7,500
Developer Quote : Help bring the hit iOS puzzle platformer series to Android phones and tablets... with stretch goals for Ouya and MOJO!
Game Info Quote : The Cavorite series is a set of three 16-bit style puzzle platformers. The first launched on iPhone in 2011 and two sequels have since been published. All three have been featured by other popular sources. The games are loosely inspired by H.G. Wells' First Men in the Moon. In Cascadia Games' interpretation, Dr. Cavor is a world traveler and gentleman scientist whose biggest -- and possibly last -- adventure takes him to the moon where he encounters the nefarious Selenite inhabitants of the lunar underworld. The game play can best be described as a mix of Professor Fizzwizzle and Super Mario 2.
Release : March 2014
Systems : Android, iOS, Ouya/Mojo(Stretch Goals)


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