Damage: The Sadistic Butchering Of Humanity - Brutal Amiga beat em up (PC Playable)

Game Type : Arcade, Beat em up
Launcher Developer : The Company.pl 
Game Info : Damage: The Sadistic Butchering Of Humanity was released between 1993/96 by Suomi-Peli and came with a lot of violence. Although the gameplay wasn't up to much, it was an extremely grim and twisted pixelated bloody title. Some would class this as a 2D side scrolling beat em up in a GTA style, you can even kill grannies! So if you fancy something with a bit of gore, then check this out, but do keep your kids away from it ;) Thanks to The Company.pl, which have just released/updated to version 2.6 you can now play this on your PC with higher graphical filters.
Release : Available now FREE
Systems : PC

Website Link : http://thecompany.pl/game/Damage:+The+Sadistic+Butchering+Of+Humanity

All of these versions (2.6) contain high quality filters for your PC and all you have to do is download, run the exe and press F12 in game for extra settings. The software is based on the original rom file and remastered through an emulator in a single exe.  You may get a Virus Warning through low quality virus checkers, it's a false positive!

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