K240 - The sequel to the amazing Utopia is here for the PC

Game Type : RTS, Space Strategy
Launcher Developer : The Company.pl 
Game Info : Released in 1994 came a game that almost took the throne from Utopia, a space strategy game with such brilliance in gameplay, that many could not put this one down. For me, Utopia far excelled over this game as it was much easier to use, however K240 was not so easy. Utopia also had you on different planets building, researching and moving units into enemy areas. But in this game the title comes about in the fact that you are based in a sector of space called K240 in the year 2380, the focus of this game is to build colonies on a clusters of asteroids and mine them for ore. However all was not peaceful as you spent most of the time fighting against several different races hostile aliens with similar motives. Did you know that K240 had another sequel called Fragile Allegiance, though this time being a PC remake of the game but with improved graphics and user interface. Still a good game, but not one of my favourites! Thanks to The Company.pl, which have just released/updated to version 2.6 you can now play this on your PC with higher graphical filters.
Release : Available now FREE
Systems : PC

Website : http://thecompany.pl/game/K240

All of these versions (2.6) contain high quality filters for your PC and all you have to do is download, run the exe and press F12 in game for extra settings. The software is based on the original rom file and remastered through an emulator in a single exe.  You may get a Virus Warning through low quality virus checkers, it's a false positive!

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