RENEGADE - Command and Conquer in a team based online multiplayer FPS/RTS genre (Kickstarter) ( CANCELLED )

Game Type : Online, First Person, RTS
Kickstarter Goal : $120,000
Developer, Project By : Aaron Christou
Game Info Quote : Renegade is a team based online multiplayer FPSRTS (First person shooter real time strategy) game set in a universe comparable to the "Command and Conquer" series, the idea is based off the 2002 title "C&C : Renegade". The game will have it's own diverse story line and lore attached too it, separate from the "Command and Conquer" universe.
Release : Late 2014
Systems : PC

Website :
UPDATE - This project has been cancelled
Thanks Ant :  "Funding Canceled Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator 2 days ago. "

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