Slightly Magic - 8-bit Legacy Edition of an old school game! (Kickstarter)

Game Type : Puzzle, Platformer
Kickstarter Goal : £7,000
Developer : Colin Jones & the Potassium Frog
Game Info Quote : Slightly Magic is a classic 8-bit and 16-bit computer game released in the early 1990s, written and programmed by Colin Jones. The game received 89% in Sinclair User Magazine, 94% in Your Sinclair Magazine, and was voted one of the top 100 games of all time by readers of Your Sinclair. With your help, Colin aims to bring Slightly back to life, by producing an 8-bit Legacy Edition of Slightly Magic, featuring the original artwork and gameplay, but resolving some of the original platform limitations:
Release : April 2014
Systems : PC, Mac, Linux, Ouya, iOS, Android


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