Wings: Remastered Edition - Cinemaware gives us another Kickstarter update - strafing missions!

Game Type : Multi Genre, Shoot Em Up, Flight Action Simulator
Kickstarter Goal : $85,000 (11days to go)
Developer : Cinemaware
Game Info Quote : Wings is a World War I flying combat game, originally released by Cinemaware Corp. in 1990. It earned some of the highest reviews of all Amiga games and still has a loyal fan base around the world that have fond memories of this and other Cinemaware games, which had a unique atmosphere and style still unmatched to this day.
Update : Cinemaware is still pushing hard with it's Kickstarter, and has already raised $72,617 of it's Kickstarter goal. But with only 11 days to go, they need every bit of extra pledging to reach that success of $85,000. To give it that extra boost, today Cinemaware released the latest update to strafing missions we so loved from the original Wings on the Amiga. So come on all you Pilots, check out the update and PLEDGE!
Release : June 2014
Systems : PC, Mac/iOS/Android/Ouya/PSN/PS4 (Stretch Goals)

Strafing Mission (Amiga Version)

Strafing Mission ( Remastered ) - Work In Progress


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