XenoRaptor - A co-op top down shooter with eye candy! (Steam Greenlight+Demo)

Game Type : Shooter
Developer : DarthBenedict
Game Info Quote : XenoRaptor is a co-op top down shooter with rocket propelled chainsaws and teleporting attack bears. Research weapon components then combine them to create anything from radioactive chainguns to tesla blasters and bear teleporters. These weapons aren't just clones that do slightly different damage – modifying a weapon will give it different game mechanic. You'll need this firepower, because the enemies you'll face are numerous and lethal!
Release : TBA
Systems : PC, Mac, Linux

Features : 
-Design hundreds of your own weapons by combining components
-Build and paint your own ship.
-8 Player co-op
-16 Player deathmatch
-44 Varied enemy types (with more in development)
-13 Lethal boss fights (with more in development)
-Challenging gameplay with online scoreboards
Steam Greenlight page :  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=200623129
Demo and Website : http://xenoraptor.net/news/download/

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