Dawn of the Ronin - Limbo meets martial arts, in a kick ass Action style game (Steam Greenlight)

Game Type : Action, Adventure
Game Info Quote : Dawn of the Ronin places you in control of an unnamed Ronin warrior right in the heart of 16th Century Japan. Your only companion cut down by Tokugawa's soldiers, you become one of the thousands of warriors that Toyotomi calls to defend Osaka and stand against the Tokugawa regime. Features : New sword stances and moves as you progress, choose between a male or female warrior to protect your homeland, each with individual fighting styles and animations, Utilise blocks, dodging and throwing attacks to defeat your opponents and much much more
Release : TBA 2014
Systems : PC

Steam Greenlight page : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211499174

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