Enemy 2 - Here's another Amiga game to enjoy, this time an Action Adventure Platformer

Game Type : Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer : André Wüthrich/David Röskamm
Game Info : A sequel to Enemy, which was published in 1997, is another Amiga game for you to pick up your retro Joystick for and this is Enemy 2. A game of Action, Adventure and Platforming as you combat your way through the ship Cromo. A game packed with 30 levels, new scenarios with interactive adventures and new foes. Before you jump the gun though, make sure to check out the first in the series
Release : Today, Free 
Systems : Amiga, WINUAE recommended for PC owners

Enemy 1 - Tempest of Violence

Enemy 1
Enemy 2
Main Website

UPDATE - Whdload version has now been added to Retroplay WHD uploads
: Commodore_Amiga/Retroplay/WHDLoad_Updates/Games/Final_installs/ :


See Link

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