Spuds Quest - A Kickstarter success, now for Steam Greenlight, inspired by classic games such as Dizzy!

Game Type : Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer : ChrisD
Game Info : Spuds Quest was a complete success on Kickstarter as many gamers liked the look of this Dizzy style of game with other inspirations from Zelda and Metroid. I myself was also a backer, and I'm glad I had the chance to support this fantastic game, as it is really good. You take the role of Spud and his friend Prince Charming through an Adventure to uncover four ancient elemental essences that have the power to remove a curse upon the royal family. With plenty of levels, enemies and challenges ahead, this game is well worth a buy. Although the game is available now, it isn't yet on steam and that's down to you, to make it a Steam Greenlight success!
Release : Available now at the Humble Store or SpudsQuest.com
Systems : PC

Steam Greenlight page : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=214212775

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