MARiA - SNES style Platformer aims for mobile devices (Kickstarter)

Game Type : Platformer
Developer/Project By :  Undie Development
Kickstarter Goal : $3,000
Game Info : Welcome to Maria, a new SNES style game developed by Undie Development for home computers as well as Mobile devices, such as iOS and Android through stretch goals. You play as a girl called Maria in a quest to save King Bling and to stop the spread of evil treasure. In a game developed with retro ethics in mind, you'll be playing through over 50 levels of non stop platforming fun. The levels will also be different from above ground to swimming through water, oh and as it's SNES inspired. Your character can bash blocks and collect specials just like Mario. Certainly looks fun and I might just have a go on my Android device when it's available!
Release : Aug 2014
Systems : PC, Mac, iOS, Android ( $3,000 baseline goal, you'll help cover the Android and iOS licenses )

Kickstarter page

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