SanctuaryRPG - A free text-based roguelike in ASCII art!

Game Type : RPG
Game Info Quote : SanctuaryRPG is a text-based roguelike inspired game that entered development in late 2012. It utilizes ASCII art, along with the imagination of the player, to create a world of wizards and warlocks, ghosts and goblins, and soups and salads. In addition to having six playable character classes, the player can also choose among nine unique races, explore the game world, and engage in many quests. As the plot thickens throughout the game, the player can craft items under an apprenticeship, wander the countryside, fight creatures, and if the player is charming enough, even romance a lovely cow! The game features a classic turn-based battle system, involving many different styles of attack, a diverse array of weapons, and magic abilities
Release : Free (Beta) - ( Donations accepted )
Systems : PC

Website & Download

- Thanks to AlphaBetaGamer for the news!

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