The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight - Gameboy style Platformer in Beta!

Game Type : Action, Platformer
Developer :  Alpha six productions
Game Info : A game that's still in development but will appeal to many a Gameboy user or Platformer gamer, is The Joylander: Legendary Motor Knight. Battle enemies across multiple levels in the land of Antoria, ready your Joylance-- the drill-lance BURST ARM told of legends and become Antoria's #1 Motor Knight!
Release : Free Beta Shareware version available, Full version in development pre-purchase to get it when it releases day one!
Systems : PC



  1. THIS LOOKS FREAKING AWESOME. Whoever you are, you are a hero <3

    1. Well it's not mine that's for sure :p, I do love a good Gameboy style game!


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