Game Genre : Adventure, First Person, Horror, Survival
Game Info : TheMaskMan, Developed by Driskul, is an upcoming adventure, survival horror game that aims to scare the poop out of any unsuspecting gamer. The developer is trying to achieve a unique atmosphere and feel to the game that people haven't felt before through a disturbing and frightening game play style. As the developer states : I really am trying to achieve a unique atmosphere and feel to the game that you really wouldn't have felt before, I am adamant to make this game disturbing and frightening to shock players into really feeling like they are seeing the aftermath of something horrific and discovering that it may not be over. Beyond that though the story seems simple enough, with the task of trying to find out what happened to the family in this house, but even so, this developer has set a high bar in the scare stakes. If this game appeals to you, vote it up on Steam Greenlight!
Release : TBAGame Info : TheMaskMan, Developed by Driskul, is an upcoming adventure, survival horror game that aims to scare the poop out of any unsuspecting gamer. The developer is trying to achieve a unique atmosphere and feel to the game that people haven't felt before through a disturbing and frightening game play style. As the developer states : I really am trying to achieve a unique atmosphere and feel to the game that you really wouldn't have felt before, I am adamant to make this game disturbing and frightening to shock players into really feeling like they are seeing the aftermath of something horrific and discovering that it may not be over. Beyond that though the story seems simple enough, with the task of trying to find out what happened to the family in this house, but even so, this developer has set a high bar in the scare stakes. If this game appeals to you, vote it up on Steam Greenlight!
Systems : PC, Mac
Steam Greenlight page
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