Armiga - Amiga home made prototype feature sneak peak update

Over the last month or so we've featured the latest home made project of an interesting design called the Armiga. Now before you get your hopes up this is not the next official Amiga, but the Armiga Project which has recently been pushing for funding through an IndieGoGo campaign. The design is built around a modern Dual Core ARM CPU, a custom made floppy controller and a Raspberry Pi. What makes this hardware even more interesting is the fact that it has further features including an Ethernet connection, HDMI, USB connection and the all important SD Card interface for using or saving your own ADF files.  The developers have just released the latest sneak peak trailer, so hopefully it puts your mind to rest if you have any concerns. However this project has a long way to go with only a $9,100 of a $140,000 pledge goal raised so far. Will it succeed? Will the developers persuade the hard line Amiga fan base, only time will tell! - Thanks Gyorgy for the heads up!

Update - I've been in contact with the product developer regarding your question of AGA support, this was the response : AGA is one of the funding goals, but it's quite demanding, so we cannot promise anything yet :). So there you have it!


Your Armiga will come with these features built in:
  • Full Amiga 500 emulation: The target machine is the iconic Amiga 500 and right now 90% of the disks are running!
  • Boot to Android: Armiga supports Dual Boot and comes loaded with Android 4.2.2, so when you're not playing you can have all the power of Android!.
  • Automatic disk load: Like in the original Amiga; insert the disk and off you go!.
  • Disk dump: Create ADF images of your favorite games and keep them safe on the SD.
  • ADF support: Bring your own ADF images on a pendrive or SD card and enjoy!
  • Disk swap: Just insert the disk and it will be dumped. When time comes to change disks, just select the right ADF. Ain't it easy?.
  • FTP server: No need to take the SD off to manage the ADFs; just do it from your computer!.
  • Graphical menu: Simple and elegant, with usability as main focus.
  • Game save: Save your game and resume later.
  • Autosave: Forgot to save?. We do it for you!
  • Screenshot: Wanna share your joy?. Give our screenshot feature

Check out the latest Armiga Project here


  1. If the price is right then I can see me purchasing one.
    The thought of using floppies again really appeals if only for fun...

  2. I'm undecided as of yet, purely for the fact that I have both an Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200, the Amiga 1200 has a CF and accelerator and every game I can think :p. But If I didn't have any Amiga's I'd buy this in a heart beat


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