Retro Game Crunch - 7 games all retro inspired in one glorious package!

Game Genre : Multi Genre
Game Info : With a successful Kickstarter pledge goal of over $66,000 and hopefully soon to be on Steam via your votes up on Steam Greenlight, this game is full of charm and retro inspired fun. Developed by Shaun Inman, Rusty Moyher and Matt Grimm, Retro Game Crunch is a jam packed 7 game list with each world feeling like an authentic NES classic. From an exploration-based platformer (Super Clew Land) to a Shoot em up (Shūten), this has it all. Even though the game is available to buy through the website, it needs your votes on Steam Greenlight, what are you waiting for? 
Release : Now! $11.99 
Systems : PC, Mac

Steam Greenlight page

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