Animal Album! - Pokemon style RPG with real animals for Kickstarter funding

Hello there! Now this is not a review this time! (I know it's all I have done so far) "WHAT?!-" I hear you scream at me, scaring my dog "NOT A REVIEW?! Well then what IS it?" I'll tell you what it is! It's just me telling you about a game. The game is called "Animal Album!" by Sjors Jansen and it's about a robot who seems to be documenting every animal he comes across! Though this is done by solving puzzles/quizzes and as such could be considered an educational game. The developer describes it as a Pokemon Style RPG with real animals and without the fighting and is up for funding through Kickstarter with a €18,000 goal!

See for yourself if you'll like it or not!

As for me and my quick demo play through, (I personally got almost every quiz question wrong since I know nothing about animals...)

Kickstarter Page

Write up by David Green

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for trying out the game David!
    I'm definitely trying to combine educational stuff with it.

    The idea behind it is to turn the typical RPG-Grind into something useful. I've played so many rpgs and a lot of the time you're just mashing the same button, selecting fight over and over again. And that felt like I was wasting my time. So I thought why not change it so you at least learn something from each encounter?

    So then it clicked when I remembered that letter from a Professor at Cambridge University.

    It's not all just text though, there's currently 4 ways to figure out what animal you're dealing with. A bit like the "Who's that Pokemon?"-intermissions from the cartoons. And there's likely to be more when I'm done. First and foremost the game relies on good level design though.


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