Flagship - Command your fleet from your very own Flagship

Prepare to be impressed as Urban Logic Games have just announced Flagship, which is a real-time strategy game viewed through a first person perspective on your very own spaceship! Command entire fleets from the deck of your bridge, explore the stars and expand your territory. Watch as huge space battles commence around you, feel the emotion and power as you place the Oculus Rift on your head and be immersed in the space ship experience. A game that will probably drop jaws when it's released! As of yet the only sign of a release is possibly 2015, however it's still in very early stages of development. Hopefully we will know more soon!

Features :
  • Build and command your fleet from the bridge of your flagship
  • A galaxy full of enemies to conquer
  • Ships in your fleet gain experience
  • Native Oculus Rift support

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