Modern games in a retro vibe!

Yes this is Skyrim but in glorious C64 colours!

This has probably not been done in an article before, but I was thinking to myself today what would modern games look like if technology never advanced beyond 8 bit colour. Sure they would probably clatter screech and squeal as each tape was played or large sized floppies inserted, but what would the games look like? How many tapes or floppies would each game have? Well some nifty techie guys have done exactly that, they've put the games through a 8bit blender and the end result for some of them look pretty damn fine! Just a shame you can't actually play them ( Unlike Doom ). Check out the videos and see for yourself.

Skyrim Theme and Intro C64

Skyrim Theme - C64 Cover

Grand Theft Auto V (Commodore 64)

GTA: Vice City (Commodore 64)

Assassin's Creed II C64

Watch Dogs C64

Doom ZX Spectrum

I'm sure there are plenty others, typing up 8 bit or C64 will probably net you the most results, but I also put this to you, which games do you think would look cool in 8 bit?


  1. Doom is actually available for the Commodore VIC-20 - check it out. No joke -

  2. INDIERETRONEWS27 May 2014 at 22:18

    That's just awesome! Thanks for the heads up on that one

  3. No problems, the 'indie' 8-bit scene is very active, everything from the ZX81 to the MSX have had a hearing over the past few years.

  4. INDIERETRONEWS27 May 2014 at 22:24

    If you end up finding new releases please use the contact email link, as we'd love to write up about them. Cheers :)

  5. Almost every week for a magazine in the UK (not Retro Gamer, that's TMR).


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