Amstrad DDI-1 clone - The latest interface device for the Amstrad CPC 464

I'm not usually one for hardware based devices as it usually goes right over my head, but when it comes down to the Amstrad DDI-1 clone my interest was peaked. This great device was developed by Piotr (aka Zaxon 2014 ) earlier this year to further improve upon the original DDI and have better compatibility with other devices such as the HxC.  Originally designed in dipTrace and professionally made in China, the Amstrad DDI-1 is based on the original DDI-1 schematic and has a host of other great features.

Not only does the DDI-1 clone have a standard 34 pin floppy connector so you can connect a PC floppy or HxC using a standard floppy drive cable, but it also has a second rom, Parados 1.1, reset button and an ABBA switch. So plenty of interesting features for a well thought out product!

However unlike the Amstrad 6128 which doesn't need the DDI-1 you'll need this device on the Amstrad CPC 464 to be able to use PC floppy drives and or HxC devices which of cause enables the use of PC floppies or in the case of the HxC an SD Card.

It certainly is an impressive bit of kit and is a must buy for owners of the Amstrad 464, just check out Steve Netting's Amstrad 464 with 64k Expansion (upgraded to 256K) and DDI-1 clone with modified 3.5" drive, very nice indeed!

So if the DDI-1 clone is of interest to you, it's available to buy here


Amstrad DDI-1 clone, floppy drive interface and 3.5 modded floppy drive

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me vendre 1 voire 2 clonez de ddi-1?


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