Danger Zone - Free Shoot em up with a Top Gun theme

Revvin' up your engine, Listen to her howlin' roar, Metal under tension, Beggin' you to touch and go, Highway to the danger zone, Ride into the danger zone... Ok I'll stop now, but seriously that's the tribute behind this Shoot em up, it's Top-Gun, a developer tribute to the film. In this game you'll be fighting waves of alien enemies as the world is under attack from an alien assault, but the only ones brave enough or stupid enough to take on this threat is America's best pilots, the top guns! Danger Zone, which is another reference is a vertical top down scrolling shooter from archvizer that sways more towards the avoiding of enemies and bullets than actually fighting in a shoot em up genre.

Yet with this change of pace it's actually pretty fun to play and it's a lot more difficult as you are constantly on edge trying to avoid everything the alien world throws at you. What's worse, is if you collect one such power up, the game and the music goes crazy and it's as if the game is on speed and believe me you'll die pretty quickly after.

What I did find annoying about the game was the music, it's too much, it goes on and on and on. Yes I know the developer is most likely a Top Gun fan, but I would've liked to be able to turn it off. Yet don't let that put you to a downer too much as the game is still free and fun to play.


- Oldschool arcade aesthetic

- Reminiscent arcade style gameplay

- Progressive difficulty increase over time

- Competitive local 2 Player mode

- Shootable powerups (mostly for competitive 2 player)

- A sweet, sweet soundtrack (Which I claim no ownership of)

So give it a go here

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