FFFFF2P - Arcade fun coming July 10‏ to iOS/Android

We've just been given the gaming heads up about a new arcade game that's coming to iOS and Android for July 10th, and that game is FFFFF2P by the developers Elevate Entertainment.  In FFFFF2P you are tasked with the crushing of evil ads that are thrown at you by the bad and nasty Ug, who has taken the Princess Pixel hostage. As you run, jump and close all the ads you'll get coins which can then be saved up for the ransom. But be careful, one wrong jump and those ads will crush you into a pixelated pancake! Certainly looks like a fun game and the developers have said that it will be free when it's available, if only all ads were this fun to play with.


  1. Damn, this game really appeals. Maybe cause I don't like F2P. Yeah, that's probably it.

  2. The problem with Android isn't that everything is riddled with ads, but the shady permissions system. Even a simple flashlight app will ask to see your phone id, contacts and everything just to sell your info.

  3. INDIERETRONEWS25 June 2014 at 20:29

    Very true! I was messing with tinder (Blame tv for that) and I kept on seeing these message ads appear in my send folder of my phone. Found out it was adding spam to my message boxes so if I clicked send it would send spam to all of my contacts. Not impressed :(

  4. The problem is there is no pretty much no money whatsoever in paid mobile apps unless you are already in the top ten lists or are extremely fortunate (lightning strike) there have been a few proper paid for indie successes lately but they have to be game changing remarkable for that to happen. larger indie developers are releasing games in well established franchises and earning maybe a couple of hundred bucks a month (I have been told exactly this by various indie devs.) Hardly enough to fund the next wave of development, let alone keep talented developers and artists fed. No one is willing to pay for games/apps anymore (generally en-masse that is) so adware/IAP is the only way forward. everyone created this bed, and now it's time to lie in it. Fortunately there are one or two that are lucky enough to punch through the fog and make a quality game that you just outright buy without awkward monetization schemes shoehorned in (monument valley for one) but they are a rare thing nowadays.

  5. I pretty much agree. At the moment I'm working on a new way to monetize games - it still allows for games to be downloaded for free, but doesn't have IAP shoved in every crevice. The idea is skill based cash tournaments, presented as an alternative to normal gameplay.


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