Pale Blue! - 2D Side Scrolling Action Adventure pushes for extra funding

There is a new game on the way and it's called "Pale Blue", a game about an experiment labelled as such by the cocoon organization. Anyone else thinking "final fantasy" right now? Well from what I've seen, it looks interesting. The focus appears to be on the villains story rather than the hero's story we are all so used to by now. Here are a few snippets from the developers:

PALE BLUE is a code name assigned to an experiment conducted by the COCOON organization. This organization has a singular focus: to create their own utopia. This utopia is a direct result of their contempt for mankind – whom they believe have become corrupted beyond redemption. The story is centered on Ellen, a normal girl turned monster by the evil COCOON. In order to fulfill their mission, they require the tools and the power to destroy – and rebuild – the world. Thus, from their own 21st Laboratory, they send out creatures that seems to be innocent humans, but are, in fact weaponized monstrosities. These monsters are the arsenal of the COCOON organization, designed to satisfy the organization's lust for power and fulfill their vision of utopia. Ellen succumbed to evil. Instead of escaping from the experiment and fighting the evil organization as a hero, she chose to stay.

"Inspired by the classic game, “Rampage” with a similar theme, and many more exciting 2D side scrolling games such as Megaman, Prince of Persia, and Splinter Cell classic. The world of Pale Blue will be full of engaging 2D gameplay, immersive game mechanics and a deep story that will show you that being a monster isn't just about wrecking stuff. This is not your ordinary 2D side-scroller! What’s unique about the Pale Blue gaming experience is that in addition to its platform style, the player is given the ability to semi-freely roam the map. Not only that, but we have even more gameplay mechanics to whet your appetite: 
  •  Linear Dungeon – hack-and-slash your enemies as you run through the mission and encounter various bosses and events. 
  • Semi-free Roaming – you are given the freedom to roam around the stages to complete various objectives or cause damage to the environment and create chaos. 
  • Stealth Stages – your mission is to clear objectives without sounding the alarm or being noticed by the nearby authorities to get the job done. 
  • Tower Defense – you are required to protect an asset from incoming enemies for however long it takes to complete the mission."

Like what you see? well then head on over to the Kickstarter or read more about it on the developers main site!


Tinker Games

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