Athanor - A new Amstrad CPC (and Oric) graphical adventure game!

The other day one of our staff members commented that there was a lack of Amstrad CPC titles for us to write about, and yet here we are with a new text adventure game for the Amstrad CPC and Oric systems. Athanor, developed by Eric Safar in partnership with Gamopat is a text based adventure with graphics that is available for 3 or 3,5 inch disk, with a .DSK version free later. Considering this is a text based adventure title, they were very popular in the early 80's and featured many of the early commands such as Go North, South, Eat and Take Item.

Although the game is currently in French, the developers have assured us that an English & German version is nearly finished with a C64 version also planned. Another thing to note is the impressive items the main box and disks will contain especially cool for those that are into collections, priced at 20 € (postage included for france though). I feel it's a pretty good deal.

It's certainly nice to see that games are still being developed on the CPC and they haven't all ditched for the C64 & ZX Spectrum, but once we know the final date for the English release we will give you the heads up!


  1. Yes, i'm french and I used to have an Oric before my first Amiga. That's a good new, I love that kind of games. I started with Les Aventures d'Arsène Lapin then a lot of adventures games on Oric. Sad there's no website mentionned.

  2. INDIERETRONEWS24 July 2014 at 19:02

    Hi Moonchild! That's great, let me know if it's any good. Sorry about the website thing but I couldn't find an official website for the game only lots of french forum articles related to it. Try this though, see if you have any luck

  3. Hello,

    Short message to inform you that the English version is now ready and available at this adress : commande(at)

    Athanor Author

  4. The English version is availlable here : eric(at)
    Please add the Author webSite :

    Thanks in advance


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