Wings : Remastered Edition - A Cinemaware classic revamped - Gets a beta release and short preview

Only just recently we featured Cinemaware's classic revamp of the WW1 arcade flight game, Wings and today we've just had the first beta build that was made available to Kickstarter backers. Wings : Remastered is a revamped version of the Amiga version that will feature far higher graphical capability of the original, while still keeping to the original game play that made Wings on the Amiga so great. Wings: Remastered was also a Kickstarter success and thus today we are here to show you a small preview of that beta build.

The first thing that strikes you with the Wings remastered beta is how close to the original the game actually is, from the very beginning you are treated to a cutscene of The Wright brothers first successful airplane flight which is pretty accurate to the Amiga version of Cinemaware's original release.

From them on you are to pick a pilot name, pick his stats and do the first training mission. Thus with each new pilot creation, you are put through a training mission that could be any number of set scenarios. From shooting blimps down to short bombing runs, however the only issue I had was sometimes even when the bomb did hit nothing happened, but of cause this is a beta.

When the game actually begins and isn't a training mission, this is when the game really shines as a remastered edition, with the promised remastered graphics that have been mentioned throughout the Kickstarter campaign. Just like Wings, you are greeted to a short diary like story and the first cutscene appears of your WW1 airplane taking off ready to meet the next challenge at hand.

Depending on the mission either dogfighting in the skies, blowing up blimps or the bombing runs on the ground, this remastered version is everything that backers have hoped for from the very beginning. Graphics in the dogfighting sections have been improved across the range, from new lighting affects and smoke, to iced up screens while flying through a winter landscape. There were also no performance problems on my 280x and I feel this game would do just fine on lower end systems as well, especially as this was only a beta!

Regarding the sound effects, they are also pretty impressive as when you blast someone out of the skies, their plane whirls down to the ground in an almighty explosion.

The fact that the original WW1 flight Simulator intermixed with arcade bombing runs was such a classic and a true gem for it's time it was great to see that even the bombing runs are a joy to behold in the remastered. With new animations, explosion effects, new trees and landscaping with little Germans running around trying to shoot you out of the skies, this was and still is a much needed fun part of the game. 

Oh and if you die, you probably will be treated to this cutscene, one of many that have been given the revamp in the remastered version by Cinemaware.

When it comes down to the controls of either sections they are easy to master and can be configured through the options screen. You'll also be pleased to know that the targeting options which put a lot of people off in the first teaser can be switched off, so purists like myself can enjoy the game as it was meant to be.

But what about the music? Many of us can still remember that tune going through our heads as if we are playing Wings on the Amiga right now. So if I told you that very tune and everything else is in the Remastered version, while sounding even more impressive, then you are seriously missing out by not being a backer.

All in all Wings : Remastered edition so far is a fantastic remake of an all time gem. From the sound effects, to the music and improved bombing runs and dogfighting, this is a Kickstarter I'm proud to be backer of. Although the graphics aren't at the top end of game development, when it comes to Wings it really isn't needed.


If you want to try a much older build, there are some early demo teasers still available, but I myself found the beta far better than the demo!

PC Demo ( Old version )
Android Demo ( Old Version )


  1. INDIERETRONEWS30 July 2014 at 21:38

    Had a few issues with google, they have been fixed for this article!

  2. Looks lovely.. loved it on Miggy and sure will want this remaster!


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