Outpost 13 - Horror tribute gets a Kickstarter/Steam Greenlight Campaign

When I first saw the trailer my instant reaction was the thought of a "The Thing" like game, with a bloody creature bursting forth from an innocent life form. And sure enough that's pretty much what Outpost 13, that's currently going through a Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight campaign is inspired by. According to Canting Games, unlike that movie, you play as a dog named "Fen" who has come into contact with an alien life form that must induce enough fear by killing off the crew while maintaining your pet cover. When this is achieved you can finally leave Achelous and make it to the nearest spaceport.

Outpost 13; a point and click action adventure strategy game, will have some added extras including ability and ability improvements as you make enough progress killing off the crew members, while trying to avoid being discovered. Stealth and Strategy is a must as you create distractions, use ventilation systems and knock out the outposts power, while also living the life of a dog! Yes you can bark, growl and bite just don't go too mad, or you will probably end up a flame grilled alien.

A Tribute to Science Fiction Horror: Outpost 13 is a tribute to cult favourite science fiction horror films such as Alien, The Thing, Predator, and the X-Files.
Currently in development for PC, Mac and Linux, Outpost 13 is seriously looking like it could be a great contender to the horror genre. You will probably never look at your own pet the same way after playing this game!

Steam Greenlight page
Kickstarter Page

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