Fate Tectonics - A fresh take on the god game genre - Steam Greenlight campaign

Checking the latest Steam Greenlight campaign releases we came across a game that really stood out in both the artistic style and a new take on the god game genre. Developed by Golden Gear Games; Fate Tectonics has you building your world piece-by-piece using the power of god like fates, while keeping them happy enough to avoid world destructive hissy fits.

Golden Gear Games have noted that the game play style in Fate Tectonics revolves around the world building through the use of tiles, with each correctly matched tile forcing the outward spread of your world. Be warned though, that incorrect tile placement could mean collapse and the incorrect use of fates to gain more powers could result in total destruction.

All in all Fate Tectonics is looking to be a fine game indeed and with the positive reports from those that have played the game at PAX, it could keep you both addicted through catching graphical styles and fun gameplay.


- Easy to pick up and play casually, but also offers deep challenge for more strategic players.
- The powerful Book of Saving system allows you to step through and modify your playthrough!
- Beautiful motion comics bring your world, and the terrible powers of The Fates, to life!
- Handcrafted in-game pixel art, a soundtrack of symphony & steam, Twitter-shareable worlds!
- Harness the power of a pantheon of fates, each with their own unique destructive powers!

If this game interests you, make sure to give them the Steam Greenlight thumbs up HERE or purchase at their website with a playable alpha build HERE


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